Who We Are

At First Christian Church, we are simply Christians and the Bible is our ultimate roadmap.  Where the Bible speaks, we speak.  Where the Bible is silent, we are silent.  We do not follow the teachings of man-made creeds, but hold firmly to the teachings of Christ.

We are not a denomination.  We strive to govern ourselves and model our worship service like that of the first Christians of the New Testament.

FCC functions under the shepherding oversight of elders (Acts 14:23), who are nominated by the congregation. The preacher works along with the eldership in presenting the Word of God to teach, rebuke, correct and train in righteousness so that all may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16).

FCC has several ministries, which are directed by various members of the congregation.  These Ministry Leaders work with the preacher in developing the life within the church.

Every member is instructed to commit to the Lordship of Christ in daily life, worship, evangelism, and ministry.

FCC voluntarily works with sister congregations in supporting ministries beyond the local congregation.

This congregation is legally incorporated and governs itself as an autonomous (self) body of believers.

Our elders: Dick Moon, Mike Pantano, Pastor Glenn Rossi, Bruce Sampson, and Joe Myers.